Hosting is the service of renting a storage space for your websites or web-based applications on a server on the internet. With hosting, your website can then be accessed by other computers that are also connected to the internet. Although there are many types of hosting options out there, the top 4 hosting options are Shared, Virtual Private Server (VPS), Dedicated and Cloud.
Speed. No one likes to wait. Rather than having to wait for your staff to reply their enquiries, with your website online, it allows your customer to access information on your business at any time. This helps them make their buying decision quickly and easily.
Also, having a hosting mean you can have your nicely designed website online and you can do various marketing to attract visitors not only from your local community but anywhere in the world. This in turn helps to boost your company’s branding globally as well as getting more sales for your business.
Shared Hosting
If you want to host a personal blog or a website for your start up business that is just starting out, shared hosting is definitely a good option to start with. It’s the most affordable hosting option. However, the other hand, because it is a shared hosting, it implies that you are sharing server space and resources with many other websites on the same server. An overload on another website will cause your website to slow down drastically. In short, you have minimal control over the shared hosting server.
Dedicated Hosting
On the other end, dedicated hosting gives you the most control over the server, as well as all the server space and resources. You have complete administrative control server allowing you to install any software as you wish. However, it is very expensive and difficult to manage, often required in-depth server knowledge to manage such hosting.
Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting
VPS is definitely the way to go, if you cannot afford a dedicated hosting server but yet requires an advanced and stronger form of shared hosting. Although you still share the physical server with other websites, resources that are assigned to you are not shared with the other properties. You have some control over your hosting and in most server management task, it can be completed easily with some server knowledge.
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